An editor of heirarchical trees
The tree editor in action
This tree editor allows users to create and manipulate
heirarchical trees using an ordinary web browser.
The tree is rendered using the tree viewer component while
it is being edited - providing a degree of "WYSIWYG"
Individual nodes can be created, manipulated, moved and
deleted - and there are also a range of operations which act
on multiple nodes at once.
These are mostly controlled using the checkboxes at the
side of each item - and the buttons at the bottom.
The available controls look like this:
The tree editor's control buttons
Details of what each of these buttons does to the selected nodes is
covered in the help text - which is available
There's also a tree manager - which allows multiple trees to be created
and managed.
A demonstration of the tree editor is available online
This demonstration is fully functional. However the
demonstration trees that are created are liable to being
periodically reset - so you are advised not to use them to
store anything important.
Source code
A zip file containing all the relevant files is available
This program and its source code have been placed into the
public domain by its author.