Tree Editor
Tree Viewer - To Do List
- Write a program to display a tree from an XML configuration document.
- Write a program to display an XML file using the tree component.
- There are some cosmetic glitches with misplaced pixels when navigating
the tree - these need fixing.
- Supply more than one set of graphics with the tree - for
clients wanting to use different look and feels.
- Allows tree graphics to be of variable size.
- Experiment with the other available options for tree persitance.
- Tree persistance can be made slicker in IE - at the expense of
not working at all in Mozilla. Consider offering this as an option.
- There's scope for some code quality improvements.
- Some applications require only one tree node open at a time - this could
be explicitly supported.
- Provide a more comprehensive interface for programatically accessing
or modifying the tree at runtime from JavaScript.
- Currently the tree uses JavaScript and DHTML extensively.
While the tree usually behaves well on old browsers, it
might be appropriate to offer a range of less sophisticated
non-interactive tree renderers for those with primitive